Understanding the drivers of autoimmune disease

Job No: G18
Location: Darlinghurst, Sydney

Supervisor: A/ Prof. Elissa Deenick

Autoimmune diseases are a collection of 80 disorders that result from a break in tolerance that causes the immune system to attack self, thus causes damage and disease. Understanding the drivers of this break in tolerance is critical for the development of targeted therapies.

Inborn errors of immunity, caused by mutations in key immune signalling components, can lead to dysregulation of the immune system and immunodeficiency, allergy and autoimmunity. Thus, these conditions can reveal key pathways that lead to breaks in tolerance and autoimmunity which can then be applied more generally to autoimmune conditions such as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).

This project will involve study of patients with immune disorders, as well as mouse models of disease to identify the signals that allow activation of self-reactive cells and drive autoimmunity.



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